The Pediatric Lower Extremity: Getting a Leg Up on Common Conditions

The limiping child is a cunundrum. Did they just come off a trampoline? Have they had a fever? It’s a mixed bag of truamtic and non traumatic conditions. Come strecth your legs and take a stroll down the peidatric lower extremity as we cover both common and ‘can’t miss’ conditions. Hopefully, I don’t put my foot in my mouth.


A review tibia fractures aka “where the money is”

A femur fracture is a fracute asking for regional anesthesia , video walkthrough

Unexpalined knee pain= think hip pathology– Don’t miss a SCFE

Severely rolled ankle, 12 year old girl, cant bear wegiht- think Tilllaux fracture

A review of the limping child

The original Kocher critiera

Can EM providers US the hip?

This is why the job is hard, think about Lyme and Osteomyolitis,